Impostor Syndrome
Cologne, Nice, L.A.

THE HYBRIS flaunt expressive instrumentals and powerful post-rock vocals in their latest single, ‘Imposter Syndrome.’ From the very beginning, it's a track that grabs you by the scruff of your shirt and pulls you in. It's heavy, it's fast, but it retains a melody that will move you down to the core. The guitars are pushed through pedals and come out fat and metallic, the bass is round and dances in the back with the drums that cut through the madness with a solid low end and smashing highs. The vocals soar, hitting operatic highs with oodles of tremolo and keeping the heart of the melody pumping as the song plays on.
‘Imposter Syndrome’ ironically couldn’t feel any more like THE HYBRIS’s signature sound. They have honed it to an electric, eclectic post-rock point that is so sharp it can poke at the very soul, making it fizz with energy. More from THE HYBRIS = More great music