Gdansk, Poland

Sometimes you need to punk up your day, but not so much that you can no longer understand what’s being said and the world around you spins and turns into white noise. For those days you need sounds like Snakedoctors’ ‘Destroyed (feat. Nik Hughes)’. It's a rock track, that much is evident, but it takes on sounds from many different genres of rock. It's got that 00s vibe in the chorus guitar, some DUN DUN, DUN DUN! It is magical, we all love it. The vocals feel grungy, they exude emotion and never drop a word, they’re caught in the throws of the melody, but not lost in it. They harmonise with themselves and the instrumental while the drums do what they should, command the song and the attitude. What you are left with is a song that feels like it belongs to all of rock, old - new, punk - classic. It's all here within the pulsing sound of ‘Destroyed (feat. Nik Hughes)’ by Snakedoctors.