Durham, United Kingdom
‘Filofax’ is an electric dance single from Rogue FX that will get those toes tapping, shoulders rolling and smiles happening. With a vibe that feels like Duran Duran played backed by house instrumentals the song builds in layers and keeps climbing, with no sign of slowing down. Bells, pads, voice-mods, claps and 808s, if there’s a staple in house or 80s pop/disco, rest assured it's here and it's here in full form. The vocals are conversational, sitting in the mids and cutting phrases out of cyberspace in short bursts. It works well with the instrumental as the vox slot into the gaps rather than laying over top of them. Rogue FX has brought the past to the future and has brought us along for the fever dream.
The song opens as it means to go on. A sharp synth key plays the melody, tom-heavy drums roll this way and that, staccato strings stab at the ether in true 80s fashion and the vibe is set in stone. The bass drum kicks in and the song gets moving, disco feels with house-club dreams ooze from the beat, and when the vocals shimmy in off of the dance floor, the sound is complete.
'Filofax' is a well-rounded track that plays on the 80s pop norms, mixing them with modern tendencies to present us with something complex, bright and most importantly, fun. - FREDDIE MCKEE