The warming sibilance that plays from Little Fox is instantly loveable. It skips at you with a smile and holds your hand. It leads you into the melody and heartwarming beat of their single, ‘Magpie Heart.’ The track is full of wondrous harmonies, skyrocketing highs and a swing that will get you moving. But what grabs you most is that heart, that emotion at the core of it all.
The banjo plays with honesty. It grabs the chords, breaks them down and fiddles with the melody in the vocal as it flies overhead. The instrumental is quaint. The beat is soft, the bass is warm. The strings all form one bed of tone that supports that astonishing vocal. The chorus builds and rolls, it finds momentum and keeps it up, shifting into the next verse as if nothing ever happened.
‘Magpie Heart’ is a song about love at the core. It is a song about the little things. It is played with heart, played with intent, and played with masterful understanding. A brilliant track from Little Fox.