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John McDonough Rocks Classic Blues and Modern Rock on "We'll Answer the Call"


John McDonough has blended blues, modern rock and a folky vibe together to create: ‘We’ll Answer the Call,’ a single of epic melodic proportions, one that will have you moving in moments. The classic vibe comes through first. It’s bright, solid. It brings you back to the 70s and 80s, the time when rock was fun as well as hardcore. Blues stops it going too far. The melody is uplifting, positive. The beat clacks and the guitars are met with piano. It’s a big band sound, it's got that Springsteen flare. The vocals shine throughout, they are gritted to the perfect medium, they hit the melody and it sparkles in the limelight. The song switches from great to fantastic at the drop of a hat.

‘We’ll Answer the Call’ knows what it is, and it plays right into its strengths. That is what makes the song so memorable, so satisfying. It’s also what makes John McDonough a stellar songwriter. An all round hit.


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