Nicosia, Cyprus

World Government are a group based in Cyprus who sent their latest album over to us this week. 'Lucky' is the name of this project. I was interested in their music after hearing several short snippets of the first few tracks out of the total seven and in turn, decided that I would offer to review their project. So, if you want to hear more about World Government then please continue reading as I take you through each song respectively.

'Lucky' is the new 7-track project from Cyprus-based group World Government. The project opens with the title track of the same name. One thing that is very interesting about this project is that all seven of the songs contain the title name somewhere in each song's title. I haven't seen this been done before and so I was quite curious about how and why the same phrase is used throughout the duration of the project. All of the pieces are over 4 minutes and less than 6 minutes in length. This isn't something that is done in commercial settings often and so I was interested in what the artists' had to bring to the table. The opening track (Lucky) opens with a basic but atmospheric guitar riff before introducing revered drums and dream pop synths - both keys and bells. As the vocals come into play they sound quite rock in origin. The piece creates something along the lines of rock meets EDM to provide the listener with something that strangely works in a commercial setting. Track 2 entitled '(Lightly) Lucky' continues to move away from genre specifics through the use of experimental techno and rock to form something very unique. It works well, offers a dark vibe and a certain genius is to be found here. 'Lucky's Last Life' is a cinematic piece, to say the least. It does not hold back in making a statement in its opening bars. This is a piece that is designed for the big screens in movies that address suspense and darkness. Although I couldn't read the story of this piece, I know deeply that there's one being told here. The absence of words in this piece offers something different to the listener and works well as a mid-track to the project. The piece captures atmospheric vocal sounds that aren't words, this makes all the difference to the progression of the piece. '(Hardly) Lucky' brings the heavy rock feel back to the project. I really love how the artists' have created something similar but with a very different feel in the two tracks '(Lightly) Lucky' and '(Hardly) Lucky'. Track 5 entitled 'Lucky (That Time) offers listeners something completely different. Here we hear something very spaced out and hypnotic which adds to the temporal feel that is suggested in its title. There are deep bass synths, slow strings, and distant robotic vocal chops that hold this piece together to provide its sound along with many futuristic and glitchy synths that add to its atmospheric existence. I really enjoyed the change that this piece brought to the project. The penultimate piece entitled 'Time Time Lucky' continues to provide the feel that was given by 'Lucky (That Time)'. This track offers several new additions to its sound including electronic guitar synths that provide a distorted and glitchy sound. The piece is very experimental and techno-based but opens a world of melodic reasoning too. This is almost a paradox in itself. Concluding 'Lucky' is track 7 - 'Lucky (Different Day, Different Way)'. This piece offers more of a classic electric guitar feel that moves away from the experimental nature that it held in the previous tracks. This offers something more melodic in content and brings something that is more commercially viable (Although all have their space in the field). One thing that I absolutely love about this whole project is that it offers the same vocal content but in variation. It's the same story told in different ways. This is true art. At the start of this review, I wondered where the word 'Lucky' fitted into every title and I have now been enlightened. I think that 'World Government' have a very special gift - something that is to be admired and respected by artists and audiences alike. I can't wait to hear about their next projects. I will be looking out for their global domination!