RitaKAS - Naked Mystery
Los Angeles, United States

For those of you who missed our Top 10 Acoustic article on the 15th April, RitaKAS made it to Number 7 that week. RitaKAS is a singer born and raised in Lithuania. After some time working as a kindergarten teacher she decided to leave everything behind, go to Los Angeles and finally reach her dreams. In a small condominium basement, she recorded a song, about passionate love, called “Naked Mystery”. In the song RitaKAS invites you to fully explore your passion inside you and except who you truly are.
In this track, Rita plays piano, creates digital instrument tracks and does editing. Rita’s biggest influence comes from artists like Adele, Ed Sheeran. Defining her sound Rita says that, she takes influence from Billie Eilish and Ariana Grande's voices mixed up together. We can definitely hear those influences in her music. A real vulnerable vocal performance in a stripped back way offering piano and vocals layers. Very Kate Bush in sound also.
Having made it to Number 7 in our Weekly Top 10 Acoustic article earlier this month Tamara Jenna and RitaKAS decided to bring you the following interview!

We loved the vibe of 'Naked Mystery' over at TJPL News, tell us a little bit about yourself and the track!
I’m currently based in Los Angeles, California.“ Naked Mystery” was released 30th of March 2022.
Brilliant! So when creating the track, who were your biggest artistic influences?
When I write songs I don’t really think about other artists, I try to write only what I feel inside so I couldn’t say that there’s direct artistic influence in my music. However I’ve always been listening to classical music like F. Chopin, C. Debussy or pop artists like Ed Sheeran, Adele.. I just love their music so even though when I write my songs I don’t use their music as an inspiration, I believe you can definitely hear familiarity of their songs just because that’s the music that always surrounds me.
I love that, it's definitely a sign that an artist knows their identity when there aren't any specific influences. What does motivate you to create then?
That’s a really good question. All of my life music has always been there for me like some kind of savior from the most difficult situations. It finds people and connects them. I’ve always thought that it’s something bigger than me and I wanted to be a part of it. I guess when music is your life, it makes you happy and you love doing it, you just create and you have that motivation inside you.
How do you develop your artistic skills?
Like every singer, artists would say practice is the key. If you want to improve you just have to keep doing it.. Keep writing, playing instruments, singing, taking lessons, performing.
What are your ultimate career goals?
My ultimate career goal I think would be touring around the world and singing my songs, meeting new people, connecting to them, doing what I love without a fear that tomorrow you won’t have money for food.
I get that, the social element to music is key. How do you collaborate with other artists?
It really depends on every artists and how they are used to work. The best way for me I think is just meeting up and just playing around with melodies, words. The best sounds and words come up like that.
How would you define your sound?
It’s funny, because I’ve always thought that my sound is mix of Ariana Grande and Billie Eilish with some classical sounds too, because I used to study opera singing. One online magazine mentioned that according to them my sound is really similar to Shakiras in earlier days of her career and I can totally hear that too. It’s really funny that other people from the side can hear better than you do. I was like - it’s true and pretty obvious, but couldn’t hear it before their comment.
That's usually the way though right? I'm the same in that respect, I don't think an artist ever really hears their sound the way that an audience does. So, tell us, what are your future plans? What can we look forward to for the rest of 2022?
I’m super excited, because I’m already working on couple of new singles coming out pretty soon and have plans for my first album of just beautiful and deep love songs. Can’t wait to share them with you guys!
I'm so glad to hear that! I can't wait to hear the album - I'm a sucker for love songs. Back to 'Naked Mystery' then. Where can we find the track?
You can find “Naked Mystery” on basically all platforms.
Thank you so much for your questions! It was a pleasure!
It's my pleasure! and good luck with the album.