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Writer's picture: Tamara JennaTamara Jenna



Liv Charette

Nashville, United States

Credit - Ford Fairchild




Canadian-born, Nashville-based pop singer-songwriter and “powerhouse vocalist” (Rolling Stone) Liv Charette grew up with big Olympic dreams. A former figure skater, she spent 11 years on the ice before discovering her passion for singing. After the first time she sang in front of a crowd, she traded her skates in for a microphone. Liv’s viral success on TikTok with her Tiny Mic series “One Word Song Challenge” landed her in a feature on New York Magazine’s The Strategist and her weekly “Liv: In the Moment” podcast, the first-of-its-kind on RIFF, has included guests who are influencers, gamers, recording artists, music industry

executives, celebrity makeup artists and more. In October 2021, Liv was invited to perform at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame to celebrate Tina Turner’s induction and launch the museum’s latest digital series. Her current single, "Red Flags White," was released on March 25 and a lyric video is soon to follow.

For more information on Liv Charette, visit




Credit - Ford Fairchild

"Rising pop singer Liv Charette releases the powerful glam pop anthem “Red Flags White.” Blending modern pop sensibilities with elements of some of the genre’s timeless hits, “Red Flags White” showcases Charette’s skills as a “powerhouse vocalist”

(Rolling Stone)

It’s not a big surprise that Charette found love from one of the song’s muses on TikTok. With more than 200,000 followers on the app, and over 2 million likes on her videos, Charette has been wowing audiences across the globe as a charismatic and “big voiced”

(Billboard) entertainer

We were really impressed by Liv Carette's movements to date so we had a listen to 'Red Flags White for ourselves. Opening the track with a dreamy pop synth before stripping the sound back down to a basic piano synth, we felt the energy of this artist straight away. A country-inspired vocal tone combines itself with a pop and EDM production. The opening lyrics set us up for a love-based theme - "Can't fall asleep, It's never been easy for me, to be alone. You know you caught me at a low, This ain't about closure, I'm already over you." I was fully immersed in these lyrics from the get-go. As the track develops, we hear a real uplifting mix that would wake up even the timidest of women. This is a track that urges you to channel your inner bad bitch. I love that! The lyrics are catchy especially the hook as the lyrics are easily grasped and stick in your mind. The songwriting is class, and the production is great. If I were to compare this artist's style to anyone it would be Miley Cyrus. Go check out the track by clicking the link below!


What did you think then? We had to find out more so we jumped at the opportunity for an interview. Check it out below!

Credit - Ford Fairchild




What would be your ultimate achievement for your latest single 'Red Flags White'? Is there a particular vision that you had when putting the song together?

With all of my releases, my ultimate goal is to connect with my audience and make people feel something. For “Red Flags White”, specifically, whether they’ve been through the same or similar type of experience with a toxic ex - or even a friendship - I hope they learn from my experience and start to listen to the “red flags” in their own lives. And also, I hope they blast the song at full volume and sing it at the top of their lungs (‘cause that bass line in the chorus goes pretty hard, haha!).

Tell us about performing at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame after Tina Turner's induction?!

I was completely blown away when the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame asked to be part of their first official “Garage Sessions” series to honor Tina Turner’s induction! Tina has always been one of my biggest inspirations as both an artist and performer and it was truly a dream come true to be able to sing “I Don’t Wanna Fight” at the Hall of Fame - a song that I grew up singing and that marked such a pivotal time in Tina’s career. I had recorded the cover before the official announcement that Tina was going to be inducted and was planning to release the song around the same time, so I like to believe that it was one of those “meant to be” moments.

What's the difference between writing in LA vs. writing in Nashville? Or is there no difference?

I love both songwriting communities equally and I’ve gotten to meet such amazing, talented people through the process. The biggest difference, at least from my experience, is that LA sessions tend to be a lot later in the afternoon or evening and less structured in the sense that sessions are much longer - they’re a little more “go-with-the-flow” and “if the vibe is good, let’s keep going” kind of writes. My Nashville sessions tend to be much more structured with an mid-morning start and we’ll wrap within 4 hours max, whether we finish the song or not. Both cities are full of creatives and I find an equal amount of inspiration in both.

When did you first realise that you had the potential to be an artist? Is there a memory that has stuck in your mind as the turning point for you?

My first trip to Nashville in 2013 definitely confirmed to me that this was where I was meant to be and what I was meant to be doing. I had been writing and performing for many years prior back home in Canada, where I’m originally from, but stepping foot into such an immersive music community like Nashville solidified it for me. I’ve always grown up with the philosophy that if you’re going to do something, do it big. So I made my move to Nashville in 2015 and haven’t looked back since.

How would you define your sound?

I like to define my sound as a fun blur between the lines of pop, dance, and adult contemporary… I love to write songs that give off boss vibes and exude self-confidence, all while being authentically “me” and telling my story. I don’t write and record based on prescribed rules of any particular style within the pop genre. I write what moves me, what makes me dance or cry or yell or jump up and down and if it moves me, it will likely move other people.

This might be a tricky one but Studio vs Live - Which do you prefer and why?

100% both! I love the thrill of being on stage and seeing the crowd dancing and really getting into the music, but I also love being in the studio and using my voice to tell the story of a song. There’s a real give and take when you’re on stage and feeding off of the energy of an audience. It’s such a dream come true to be in the moment and performing! Conversely, I love being in the vocal booth where I can record a song I’ve written and see it come to life with production and make it sound exactly the way the producer and I both envision it as a finished product.

If you had the opportunity to work with one of your favorite musical artists, who would you most like to collaborate with and why?

My life would be made if I was able to sing a bada** song with P!nk. I have always admired not only her incredible voice, but her ability to perform at such a high level on stage - she’s not just an artist, she’s an entertainer through and through. I think a P!nk and Liv duet would be pretty epic!!! (just saying…)

haha YES! That would be so great! Love P!nk. So, what are your future plans? What can we look forward to for the rest of 2022?

Definitely more new music! Be sure to be on the lookout for several more releases through the end of the year. I’m also excited to be getting back out there and playing these new songs for as many people as possible (now that touring is back, I am elated!). I can’t wait to bring the live show to a bunch of cities I haven’t gotten to play for yet.

Ah we can't wait to hear them! Where can we find the track? Links to socials and distribution handles.

“Red Flags White” is available everywhere you stream music! Here are the Spotify and Apple Music links:

Spotify: Apple Music: And the link to all other platforms:

And I’m all over social media! Catch me at:







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