Haddenham, Ely, United Kingdom

#JimJagger has been a solo artist for the last 20 years under the names of Jim Jagger; Feet in the Water, and Way Back. His latest song #MemoriesofSpring was released on 10th June with the intention of donating at least 50% of earnings to the Motor Neuron Disease Association. TJPL NEWS reached out to #JimpJagger after hearing the song and the inspiration behind it - We now present you with an exclusive *Backstage Pass Interview*
Make sure that you click the Spotify player to listen along as you read the story behind the artist!

How do you balance music/work life with parenting?
Well after going full time it’s been more of a financial balancing act than anything else. In my former career I managed some global food brands, so that has allowed me to build a basic home studio, which allows me to record decent vocal and acoustic sound from home. I also built a bit of a financial buffer. So, becoming a full-time musician has required some work up front, but I consider myself very blessed to be doing what I love and able to work from home. So in answer to your question the decision to follow the calling has given me much more time with my kids than I had working in highly pressurised jobs. The career path I had gone down was taking time away from what really mattered to me, and at the same time was impacting my health. Working for myself to my own schedule, with my kids around, just creating, is wonderful. I’m also very blessed to have an amazing wife who loves and is doing well in her career and is therefore able to support us while I develop the label and the personalised song business.
I heard that you made it to the regional finals of Open Mic UK, that's a huge achievement! What would your advice be to other songwriters who are just starting out?
I didn’t see it as a massive achievement at the time, I just felt honoured to have got through a few rounds with some famous people thinking my music had potential. I was actually offered a publishing deal after that competition because a friend did some networking for me and just boldly approached one of the judges. I had to decline the deal sadly as the terms weren’t great.
So, my advice in relation to those competitions would be that they are worth doing as they give you a focus. Trying to perfect a performance for a big audience will up all parts of your game.
Sadly the industry is extremely competitive, not weighted in favour of new artists, the big labels still have a lot of power despite the influx of independent labels. So, I’d say if you do get a deal, read the fine print (ideally get a music lawyer to review it if you know one) and make sure you know what you’re signing up to.
Roughly how many songs have you written over the years?
Hundreds. I need to finish quite a few! And I’ve forgotten many. But I’m writing now more than ever as going full time has given me the time and the head space to do it.
I found the inspiration behind 'Memories Of Spring' humbling. Tell us more about your collaboration with 'Motor Neuron Disease Association'.
Well, I have a personal connection with the charity, in that my mother Suzy Jagger (who was also a song writer and singer) died of ALS earlier this year after a long fight with the disease. She was an inspirational woman, even after she lost her voice.
e.g. Apache Tear • Suzy Jagger (spotify.com) – her music recovered from old studio tapes hence the sound quality is a bit poor.
I was raising money for the Motor Neuron Disease Association by doing an Ultra Marathon called The Wall, which is a 69 miler in under 24 hours. Several people gave me extremely generous donations of over £100. I wanted to do something nice for those people, so I offered to write a song to a topic of their choice. A friend told me she wanted a song for her friend (selfless), as she was going through some tough times and suffering from a loss of confidence.
The broader mission for my work now is to donate a percentage (at least 50%) of every track I launch through Jim Jagger to a different charity and build a legacy that can benefit others. In addition, my personalised song writing business and label Music Wrapped will allow both customers and artists on the roster to direct a company charity pot to charities of their choice.
Who else was involved in creating the track? Or was this a solo project?
This was a solo project.
As musicians we all have doubts at times. What would be your key advice to artists who are too scared to take the first step?
I must say, for years I put it off, not giving it everything; it’s a tough thing to do properly alongside a full time job. However if you get called to “beat the drum in the community” in a word from God via someone who doesn’t know you, it does make it slightly easier to fearlessly dive off into an ocean of unknown. This profound moment and what has happened since has completely changed my life. I feel God is with me, I have peace, and I just continue to try to do work that promotes love.
So I would say give some thought to what really matters to you in your life. Check out what evidence supports the idea of having faith in God. Then when you find it / if you decide to believe, get in touch with God in prayer, and seek direction. Search for direction that brings you peace and / or promotes love, joy and compassion for others. Or, of course, find your own way if you prefer 😊.
and finally, who are you biggest artistic inspirations? past or present.
I love music of all genres, from classical to death metal. I guess I’d say we’re all inspired by every sound we hear since conception, particularly those we have associated with loving or fearful memories. But I have a special place in my heart for a few bands from my childhood like Pink Floyd, Nirvana, Green day, The Prodigy. There's a punk and psychedelic rock element that sticks with me through thick and thin perhaps. I've also got a lot of respect for Ed Sheeran's songwriting. Seems to know what he's doing; makes some catchy tunes that chap! :-)