A Year From Now
London, United Kingdom

Anthony Benjamin’s latest single is an honest and open evaluation of the self, it's a perfect single to start off the year and will leave you daydreaming. ‘A Year From Now’ sits firmly in the pop house, it's bright and jumpy and the melody runs the show. Moulding a message to a catchy melody can show its seams, it's hard to relate what you want to whilst sticking to the confines of the beat you construct. Here, there are no seams to speak of; Anthony Benjamin has blended meaning into melody and it hits like a hammer spray-painted gold.
‘A Year From Now’ feels like it could have been plucked from the 00s. It's got that shortcrust percussion, it hits then flakes away to the bass behind it. Anthony Benjamins’ style feels similar to that of Gotye’s smaller works and encompasses just as much soul. The bass is funky to a T, the guitars and synth dance in time and the vocals are boosted by harmonies and layers that shoot them above the pulsing instrumental below. A slow close lets us reflect on the massage and focus on what we can be, what do we like about ourselves, what would we change? I thank Anthony Benjamin, not only for the stellar single but for committing us all to sit a while, and ponder.