Kenny Hada & The Others - Love Deluge
Austin, Texas, United States

Kenny Hada & The Others reached out to us this week for a review of their latest album titled 'Love Deluge'. WE WERE NOT DISAPPOINTED. This album opened with amazing energy and we knew we were in for a treat! The first track 'Tip The Boat' immediately gave us a funky distorted guitar riff and as a guitarist myself, I was in my element straight away! As the vocals joined the production, we were given an indie rock style vocal to accompany the funky yet heavy guitar in this track. Full of high energy and skillful guitar solos alongside the occasional piano solo I was amazed and I couldn't wait to hear what the rest of the album would entail. INCREDIBLE ENERGY - Can I join you guys on stage? I want to join in the party yo. Track 2 maintained my energy and enhanced it. 'Hair Trigger' opens with the classic sound of the hitting of drum sticks to count us in and again the funky guitar riffs made an appearance. This track is faultless. Thus far I am struggling for words that would do justice to this album - my head is bopping and I'm just staring at my guitar with mad intent. MAD SKILLS. 'Hollow Swallow' slows things down a bit with a country-inspired guitar progression and softer drums. I think this really brought another feel to this album and shows off the skills of the artists even more without lowering our hype. Track 4 'Epiphany' takes us back to an indie rock theme whilst remaining in a slower tempo. Making more room for the vocals we can really hear the meaning behind the lyrics of this track. 'Mary' what can I say about 'Mary'?! A real soul/funk-inspired piece! Right now, I'm really impressed by the way that these artists have managed to bring so much versatility to their album in terms of the genres within it whilst keeping to their own signature sound. This is a 10/10 album and we're only just halfway through it! 'Collapse' brings hi-hats to the mix and just knocked us out cold in amazement. 'Moonwalk' takes us back to those soul/funk vibes of 'Mary' but is joined with vocals similar to Patrick Stump of Fall Out Boy. I'm in another universe now. 'Love in a Storm' opens with an enticing bassline which remains dominant in the mix, the lead guitar takes a backseat in this one but remains integral to the overall vibe of this song. The album ends with 'Never Say Never' a track with a smooth RnB guitar piece which lowers the tone of this album completely in the form of dreamy acoustics before raising the bar again with their signature energy. This is a perfect finish to such a diverse and unique album. Kenny Hada & The Others should be really proud of their skills and this album! Click the link below to hear it! You won't be disappointed if guitar riffs are your thing you really need to hear these lot!